Mary Heebner
Index Editorial Writing
Books About Links


Prayer Flags

Prayer Flags & A Tale of Longing

Independent: Leslie Dinaberg
Lumartzine: Camille Lubach

Silent Faces / Angkor

The Venus Paintings

Independent: Charles Donelan
Fine Art Connoisseur: Jeffrey Carlson
SB Seasons: Taylor Micaela Davis
Fine Art Connoisseur: Jeffrey Carlson
flavorpill: Announcement
ArtScene: Announcement

Silent Faces / Angkor

Silent Faces / Angkor

Independent: Charles Donelan
The Wesleyan Argus: Sharifa Lookman



Santa Barbara News Press: Double Trouble
Santa Barbara Independent: Double Trouble



Book Club of California: Unearthed
SB Digs: Unearthed
Dining and Destinations: Unearthed
Santa Barbara Independent: review by Charles Donelan



Artillery: James Scarborough
The Washington Post
review by Marie Arana
Santa Barbara Independent: review by Heather Jeno
ARTslant: review by Amanda Moret
Fabrik Magazine review
KINOCaviar: review by Diane Sippl
ArtScene: by Marlena Donohue
Interview from Atelier Visit
Flavorpill: Shana Nys Dambrot



Santa Barbara Independent: review by Charles Donelan
Santa Barbara Magazine Sidebar

Deep Thermal

Deep Thermal

Casa Magazine : review by Irene Murphy Lewis


The Indepdenent: review by Charles Donelan
Santa Barbara News-Press
: review by Josef Woodard


Mani Wall

Casa: Mani Wall and a Sacred Geography
UCLA Fowler Museum: Mani Wall and A Sacred Geography

A Sense of Place

Santa Barbara News-Press: review by Josef Woodard
The Independent: review by Maureen Foley

Ancient Presences

San Luis Obipso Tribue: review by Joan Crowder

On the Blue Shore of Silence

Sabado magazine: review by Andres Aguirre
El Mercurio newspaper: review by Andres Aguirre

Santa Barbara Magazine: Jan/Feb 2004
Condé Nast Traveler Magazine: Feb 2004
Pop Matters: review of April 6, 2004
A Common Reader

Scratching the Surface

Casa: review by I. Murphy Lewis

Island: Journal from Iceland

Casa: review by I. Murphy Lewis


The Independent : review by Charles Donelan

Outer Hebrides

Outer Hebrides

The Independent: review by Josef Woodard

Santa Barbara Independent: A Poet of Word and Image
Santa Barbara Independent: Podcast
The Creative Community 2.0: Episode 2 Mary Heebner
UCSB: Podcast
TV Santa Barbara: Creative Community: Mary Heebner
Studios: A Place Apart
Associated Press: Where Artists Create: Studios Get Personal
California Homes California Homes: Earthly Talent
Santa Barbara Independent: Patagonia: La Última Esperanza
H20 Magazine: Pablo Neruda: On the Blue Silence of the Sea
AltierVisit atelier visit: Artist Interview with Mary Heebner
Studio Online Studio Online Profile

Santa Barbara Magazine: The Painted Word

Destination Wine Country: Painter's Picnic

Casa: Mary Heebner's Work Moves the Heart
Casa: Mary Heebner: Blue Is the Farthest Shore

Circle of Life

Santa Barbara News-Press: 'Circle' of Life

Joan Quinn Profiles


penetralia Penetralia, by Clayton Eshleman Black Widow Press2017—©MH Cenote #5
Intimacies Pablo Neruda / Mary Heebner Intimacies
Blue Shore of Silence

Pablo Neruda / Mary Heebner On the Blue Shore of Silence

The Poet and the Sea by Juan Ramón Jiminez translator/publisher Dennis Maloney White Pine Press

Western Horizon

The Western Horizon, featuring photographs by Macduff Everton and commentaries and sketches by Mary Heebner

Gretel Ehrlich'sThe Future of Ice
Clayton Eshleman's Alchemist With One Eye On Fire